Here is another version of El Cristo Negro, this one titled El Senor de Esquipulas, Esquipulas being the specific town in Guatemala where El Cristo Negro first appeared.
The script below the image says something to the effect of 'V.R. of the Miraculous Image of the Senor de Esquipulas who is venerated in the School of Santa Cruz of Queretaro'. The school or college of Santa Cruz (Saint Cross) of Queretaro was the first college established in Mexico to train priests and missionaries. The 'V.R.' at the start of the script is most likely a Latin abbreviation for 'Votum Ricevute' or 'Reciept' as many of the early Italian ex-votos often had the abbreviation G.R. (Grazie Ricevute) or V.F.G.A. (Votum Fecit Gratiam Accepit) which mean thanks for the graces or favours received or the votive gift done (and) the mercy has been received.
This particular retablo is available for purchase from Colonial Arts in San Francisco. If you're keen on the work, make sure you mention my name to James!

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