The Christmas/ New Year's break is always productive. I feel like I can get on with my work while others are off on holiday, so there seems to be a quiet around the city. I've had three good steady days of painting, drawing, inventing and reading (have got through a bio on Warhol, Stephen Fry's 'The Hippopotamus' and am making my way through Moby Dick).
It's only these days, with this consistency, that development seems to happen and I'm reminded of a letter I received from Scottish artist, Alan Davie after meeting him in Inverness in 1997. It may seem old-fashioned, but I still believe
merits of hard work is the only way to get a glimpse of the dwat.
The quote reads: 'Only a lot of work and struggle will produce the real magic - and it only comes through the struggle of working - (no easy way)!!'

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