Andrea du-Chatenier at Mary Newton Gallery, Wellington. There's better quality images on MNG site, but this is my favourite work from her Earthseed exhibition. The 'primitive' African-type sculpture (made out of polystyrene, covered in flocking) is wearing a pair of Jimmy Choos. This is the type of exhibition and work that I love - work that pinpoints a specific culture, asssesses contemporary art/fashion and combines the two in a new context to create a new reading from the pattern-recognitions brought by the viewer. It reminds me of the scene in Cannibal Holocaust when the film crew discover the Yanomamo tribe using the film reels of the previously cannibalised film crew around the necks of the tribesmen and hanging on poles as signifiers of prevailing evil.
This is an excellent show, probably the most excited I've been in an art gallery all year. Get in to see it before it closes (24th of Dec).

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